
Webinar - Bike Parking Standards and Installation

Thursday, May 21, 2020, 2:00pm - 3:30pm  
Online Webinar

Bike Parking Standards and Installation

The growth of bike use for transportation has increased significantly in the past decade and as a result, deliberate attention to bike parking is needed now more than ever. Bike storage facilities have become an integral part of new developments and are touted as a premium asset in commercial and residential properties. This session provides a fundamental approach to comprehensive bike parking standards, from selecting the right equipment to adequately preparing the space. The Bike Parking Standards and Installation session provides the expertise to improve bike storage to meet the needs of both the developer and the end user.

Join architects, landscape architects, engineers and recreation and park professionals for a complimentary professional development webinar.

Click here to view the learning objectives.

If you have any questions regarding the webinar, please contact core@playcore.com 

Webinar Registration Code: COMMUNITY

Register now to learn about bike parking standards and installation!



Certified Instructor


Lou Fineberg
National Advocacy Accounts Manager

Inés Palacios, PhD
Director of Recreation
View Bio

Hosted By

Educational resources and Certificate of Completion will be provided. CEUs for a total of 1 Professional Development Hours. .1 IACET / 1 LU AIA/ 1 PDH LA CES will be provided to learners meeting the following requirements: Be present for 95% of the duration of the learning event; Participate in activities and discussion throughout; Complete assessment with 80% mastery of learning outcome; Complete feedback/evaluation survey Technological requirements will be shared through the confirmation email you will receive from GoToWebinar.


People will ride more often if they know there is secure parking at their destination, and more people riding is a GOOD THING. That’s why Dero has shared their expertise in their Pocket Guide to Bike Parking

Click here to request a free, downloadable version of the guide.



Our partnership with 8 80 Cities along with the input of bicycling advocates, professionals, and champions in the field across a variety of communities has resulted in Shift into Gear®: A Bicycling Advocacy Resource. This comprehensive guidebook reviews the overwhelming positive research showing the benefits of bicycle friendly communities and their effect on building clean, equitable, healthy transportation options. From making the case to planning and design, to promotion and policy, the guidebook can help communities support, plan, and execute meaningful cycling infrastructure. Case Studies are included to share stories of success.

Click here to request a free version of the program.

DISCLOSURE: The instructor(s) of this learning event is employed by PlayCore and discloses interest in participants partnering with PlayCore on their play and recreation initiatives.